IFE Science & Technology Community Strategic Planning Workshop

White Papers

White papers on research opportunities in Inertial Fusion Energy
In advance of the workshop, the program committee for the IFE community workshop solicits input from the community in the form of white papers. Please find below non-exclusive topics of interest, formatting guidelines, and submission information.

Submission Deadline
White papers will be accepted until Jan 25, 2022.
PDF submission should be emailed to zylstra1 [at] llnl.gov (zylstra1[at]llnl[dot]gov) and albrecht5 [at] llnl.gov (albrecht5[at]llnl[dot]gov)

Call for white papers with topics of interest, formatting guidelines, and submission details
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White papers by First Author

Author Last Name Institution Paper Title
Albright, Brian Los Alamos National Laboratory Fast ignition inertial fusion energy using laser-driven ion beams
Alexander, Neil B.  General Atomics Target injection, and engagement for inertial fusion energy
Alexander, Neil B.  General Atomics Target mass production for inertial fusion energy
Anderson, Kenneth University of Rochester Shock Ignition: High Gain Target Performance for Inertial Fusion Energy
Andruczyk, Daniel  Department of Nuclear, Plasma and Radiological Engineering  The need and development of liquid metal plasma facing components and blanket using TEMHD for an IFE device
Bangerter, R.O. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Systems Studies, Accelerator Design, Target Design and Enabling Technologies for Heavy Ion Fusion
Bodner, Stephen E. Retired. Head of NRL laser fusion program from 1975 to 1999. An Evaluation of Laser Fusion Energy Concepts
Boehm, Kurt General Atomics Target Layering for Inertial Fusion Energy
Bott-Suzuki, Simon University of California San Diego Inertial Fusion Energy Technology: Repetitive Driver-Target Coupling in Hostile: Fusion Chamber Environments
Burke, Bob   Whitepaper: Overview of IFE Workshop Submissions for Heavy Ion Fusion
Callahan, Debbie  Lawrence Livermore National Lab Integrated Design of Robust System for Inertial Fusion Energy
Camejo, Cesar D. Los Alamos National Laboratory Demonstrating Pump Performance for Fusion Fuel Cycle Conditions
Christopherson, Alison Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory High gain target designs for inertial fusion energy
Claus, Liam Advanced hCMOS Systems Commercialized hCMOS imagers for IFE diagnostics
Cusentino, Mary Alice Sandia National Laboratories Radiation Tolerant Materials by Design for Inertial Fusion Energy
Dean, Stephen O. Fusion Power Associates The Rationale for an Expanded Inertial Fusion Energy Program
Dean, Stephen O. Fusion Power Associates Beyond the physics and demonstration of ignition
Di Nicola, JM. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Performance Enhancements for the National Ignition Facility and Contributions to Inertial Fusion Energy
Ditmire, Todd Dept. of Physics, University of Texas at Austin, and Focused Energy Inc. Proposal to Build an Academic IFE High Energy Laser Research Facility as a Public-Private Partnership
Dunne, Mike SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory High Level Requirements for an IFE Development Program
Dyer, G.M. SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory Opportunities for an Inertial Fusion Energy Program within the context of the Matter in Extreme Conditions Upgrade Project
Edwards, Matthew R. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Gas and Plasma Final Optics for Inertial Fusion Energy Lasers
Frenje, Johan A. Plasma Science and Fusion Center, MIT γ-ray spectrometry for diagnosing high-repetition-rate Laser Direct-Drive Inertial-Fusion-Energy implosions
Fuerst, T.F. Fusion Safety Program, Idaho National Laboratory Efficient tritium extraction from PbLi: a potential IFE breeding material
Galea, Christopher Princeton Fusion Systems Wide Bandgap Power Electronics for Inertial Confinement Fusion
Galvanauskas, Almantas University of Michigan Feasibility of fiber lasers for laser fusion
Galloway, Conner Xcimer Energy ASPEN Laser and A New IFE Power Plant Concept
Gleason, A. SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory Three-dimensional ultrafast X-ray visualization of laser-driven wetted foam targets in implosions and planar geometry to develop low-cost, rep-rated IFE targetry
S. H. Glenzer SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory X-ray Free Electron Laser Driven Fast Ignition
Goncharov, V.N. University of Rochester, Laboratory for Laser Energetics Inertial Fusion Energy Target Designs with Advanced Laser Technologies
Gopalaswamy, V. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Validating IFE Concepts with Machine Learning Driven Design Optimization
Häfner, Constantin  Fraunhofer-Institute for Laser Technology ILT and RWTH Aachen University Status and Perspectives of High-Power Pump Diodes for Inertial Fusion Energy Lasers
Häfner, Constantin  Fraunhofer-Institute for Laser Technology ILT and RWTH Aachen University Inertial Fusion Energy Drive Technology
Haid, Alex General Atomics Additive Manufacturing for Inertial Fusion Energy Target Production System
Harding, D. R. University of Rochester, Laboratory for Laser Energetics An automated IFE Target Factory based the “Lab-on-Chip” format
Heuer, Peter Laboratory for Laser Energetics, University of Rochester Accelerating the science, technology, and workforce base for inertial fusion energy with a proposed high repetition rate facility
Hurricane, O. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Optimism is not a strategy: A white paper on how to give IFE a fighting chance to be real
Hu, S.X. Laboratory for Laser Energetics, University of Rochester Enabling Advanced Ablator Materials for High-Gain Inertial Fusion Energy (IFE) Target Design
Kaganovich, Igor, D. Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory Collective Effects and Intense Beam-Plasma Interactions in Ion-Beam-Driven High Energy Density Matter and Inertial Fusion Energy
Kazuki Matsuo EX-Fusion Inc, Japan EX-Fusion’s challenge for the realization of laser fusion system
Kemp, A. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Electron-driven fast-ignition approach to IFE
Kirkwood, Robert Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Enabling Ignition Studies and Advanced Power Plants by Development of Ultra High Fluence Beams Produced by Plasma Optics
Kodama, R.  Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University Fast Track Approach towards Laser Fusion Energy in Japan
Kolasinski, R.D.  Sandia National Laboratories Materials science R&D required for the design of inertial fusion energy tritium breeding blankets
Larsen, George Savannah River National Laboratory Highly Scalable Deuterated Polymer Development for IFE Targets
Larsen, George Savannah River National Laboratory Combined Fuel Cycle Modeling and Process Development for IFE
Le Pape, Sébastien LULI, Ecole Polytechnique Inertial Fusion Science & Technology at the Laboratoire pour l’Utilisation des Lasers Intenses
Malko, Sophia Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory Importance of ion stopping power research for IFE
Matsuo, Kazuki EX-Fusion Inc, Japan EX-Fusion’s challenge for the realization of laser fusion system
Mariscal, D.A. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Accelerated Scientific Discovery with AI-driven Experiments in support of IFE
McGeoch, M.W.  NRL Plasma Physics Division, Laser Plasma Branch Durable Solid State Pulsed Power for ArF Direct Drive Fusion and Other Fusion Concepts
Meehan, Nicholas  University of Tennessee-Knoxville Demonstration of Fusion Blanket Simulations for Anticipated Operational Occurrences with RELAP5-3D
Mehlhorn, TA University of Rochester Laboratory for Laser Energetics p-B11 ignition via ps & ns lasers: burn physics, target design, & experimental validation
Mo, Mianzhen SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory Advance the understanding of radiation damage in fusion materials using ultrafast time-resolved electron diffraction
Moody, J.D. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Boosting the performance of IFE targets with magnetized fuel
Morozov, V.S. Oak Ridge National Labratory Benchmarking and Validation of IFE Driver Technology
Obenschain, Steve Plasma Physics Division, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory Path to reduced-size laser fusion power plants with direct drive using the argon fluoride laser
Obst-Huebl, L. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory BELLA PW 1 Hz Laser Experiments for Short Pulse Laser-based Ion Fast Ignition for IFE
Olson, Rick  Los Alamos National Laboratory A polar direct drive liquid deuterium-tritium wetted foam ICF target concept
Ogitsu, Tadashi Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Theory of Quantum Effect on Degenerate Dense Plasma
Paddock, R.W. University of Oxford Potential High Gain Target Designs for IFE
Payne, Stephen A. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Long-Wavelength Diode-Pumped Solid-State Lasers as Inertial Fusion Energy (IFE) Drivers
Schenkel, Thomas Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Ion beams and Inertial Fusion Energy
Scott, G.G. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory High repetition rate diagnostics with integrated machine learning analysis for a new paradigm of actively controlled Inertial Fusion Energy experiments
Sentoku, Y. Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University Research of laser fusion system based on fast ignition scheme in Japan
Sherlock, M. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Modeling Capabilities for Inertial Confinement Fusion
Shmayda, Walter T. University of Rochester, Laboratory for Laser Energetics Fuel Cycle for an Inertial Fusion Energy Reactor: Isotope Separation and Breeder Blankets 
Simpson, Raspberry Massachusetts Institute of Technology Inertial Fusion Energy (IFE) Workforce Development: Development of a New National IFE Research Consortium (IRC) 
Sweet, W.S. General Atomics Wetted Foam Targets for IFE Applications
Tang, Vincent Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Initial Thoughts on Public Private Partnerships and Consortium Models for IFE
Tang, Vincent Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Reference: History of Inertial Fusion Energy Research at LLNL
Tikhonchuk, V.T.  ELI-Beamlines Center, Institute of Physics, Czech Academy of Sciences Kilojoule, nanosecond testbed development and operation for 2-omega laser-plasma interaction using novel targetry.
Ulreich, Jeffrey Oak Ridge National Labratory Common Challenges Facing Future MFE and IFE Power Plants
Van Tilborg, Jeroen Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Characterizing IFE dynamics with high-resolution laser-plasma-based diagnostics
Vay, J.-L. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Propagation of Ion Beams in a Heavy-Ion Inertial Fusion System
Wang, Zhehui (Jeph)  Los Alamos National Laboratory Physics-informed multiprobe instrument for IFE experiments (PiMIX)
Wilks, S.C. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Short Pulse Laser based Ion Fast Ignition for IFE
Wilks, S.C. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Laser Beam Propagation through Target Debris and Mitigating Gas for IFE
Williams, G.J. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Spinoff Technologies from the Development of Short Pulse Lasers for Fast Ignition IFE
Woodruff, Simon Los Alamos National Laboratory The SciVerse: a Metaverse for Scientists, Engineers and Scientific Outreach
Xiao, Steve X. SRNL Concept of Using Alternative Inertial Fusion Fuel
Zuegel, J.D. University of Rochester, Laboratory for Laser Energetics Advanced Laser Concepts and Technologies for Laser Direct-Drive Inertial Fusion Energy (LDD-IFE)
  LaserNetUS LaserNetUS – Research Opportunities in IFE