Press Kit

These fact sheets discuss various National Ignition Facility-related topics in a printer-friendly PDF format:

What is NIF document thumbnail image

What is NIF?

The National Ignition Facility (NIF) uses the world's highest-energy laser to compress and heat BB-sized capsules of fusion fuel with the goal of thermonuclear ignition. NIF experiments produce temperatures and densities similar to those in stars and nuclear weapons. Download the PDF
Seven Wonder Fact Sheet thumbnail image

The Seven Wonders of NIF

Scientists, engineers and technicians had to overcome a daunting array of challenges to construct the National Ignition Facility. Download the PDF

Stockpile Stewardship document thumbnail image

Stockpile Stewardship

NIF is the only facility that can perform controlled, experimental studies of thermonuclear burn, the phenomenon that gives rise to the immense energy of modern nuclear weapons. Download the PDF

HED Science fact sheet thumbnail image

High Energy Density Science

High energy density (HED) research at NIF involves examining materials under pressures and densities found in stars and the cores of giant planets—and in detonating nuclear weapons. NIF experiments are highly diagnosed to provide unprecedented insights into HED systems, and are complemented by other experimental facilities at LLNL and elsewhere. Download the PDF
NIF By the Numbers document thumbnail image

NIF By the Numbers

NIF’s total optical surface area is three-quarters of an acre – 40 times the surface area of the giant Keck telescope in Hawaii. This and other "Fun Facts" about NIF can be found in this Fact Sheet. Download the PDF

NIF Brochure thumbnail image

Using Science to Support National Security

This colorful brochure illustrates the NIF laser system and describes the national security, Discovery Science, and energy missions of the NIF & Photon Science Directorate. Download the PDF