NIF User Group

The National Ignition Facility User Group provides an organized framework and independent vehicle for interaction between the scientists who use NIF for “Science Use of NIF” experiments and NIF management. Responsibility for NIF and the research programs carried out at NIF resides with the NIF Director.

The NIF User Group advises the NIF Director on matters of concern to users, as well as providing a channel for communication for NIF users with funding agencies and the public. The NIF User Group represents the interests of the NIF users to NIF management to facilitate the availability and effective use of NIF for the broader research community.

The NIF User Group Executive Committee is a formal organizational unit whose members are elected by the members of the NIF User Group. They typically meet several times each year and communicate the needs and desires of users regarding NIF operating policies, use of NIF, user support, and other relevant issues of concern to those engaged in non-programmatic research at the facility.

A representative of the NIF User Group Executive Committee is invited to attend selected NIF management meetings where operational issues impacting users are discussed to ensure evaluation of user interests and the most efficient and optimal utilization of the facility.

All scientists involved in a “Science Use of NIF” proposal and all participants in any resulting experiments are automatically enrolled in the NIF User Group. All scientists who attend NIF User Group workshops are also automatically enrolled and, in addition, members are welcome to join via the User Group website. Annual NIF User Group meetings are held to which all members are invited.