Celebrating the Art and Science of Ignition at City Center Bishop Ranch
Oct. 14, 2024-
The intersection of science and art was the centerpiece of a celebration at City Center Bishop Ranch for LLNL’s historic fusion ignition breakthrough NIF.
LLNL Presents on Fusion Energy at Industry Collaboration Event
Oct. 7, 2024-
LLNL officials gave a presentation on translating the Lab’s historic December 2022 achievement of fusion ignition into a viable source of commercial fusion power.
Ignition Continues to Spark Interest in NIF&PS Intern Program
Oct. 2, 2024-
The NIF&PS Summer Scholar Program enjoyed another record year in 2024—and, once again, the fusion ignition milestone at LLNL in 2022 was cited as a key reason for the continuing surge of interest.
Celebrate Ignition, Science, Art in San Ramon
Sept. 25, 2024-
Save the Date: On Sunday, Sept. 29, from 2-4 p.m., City Center Bishop Ranch will host a celebration of ignition, science, and the LLNL-designed art installation "Bringing Star Power to Earth."
LLNL Hosts French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission Leaders
Sept. 10, 2024-
Top leaders of the CEA recently visited LLNL, accentuating a rich shared history of collaboration on fundamental science that supports stockpile stewardship.
LLNL’s Tammy Ma Shares Fusion Energy Vision with TED
July 29, 2024-
What would you do with the largest laser in the world? That’s the question LLNL physicist Tammy Ma posed to the audience on the main stage at the influential TED conference held in April in Vancouver.
Celebrating Ignition at City Center Bishop Ranch
July 16, 2024-
Visitors to City Center Bishop Ranch in San Ramon can now learn about LLNL’s historic fusion ignition achievement while they shop and dine thanks to a new art installation on the exterior of the center.
STEM Day Students Tour NIF
April 30, 2024-
LLNL hosted about 200 students and chaperones from the Central Valley for “STEM Day at the Lab,” which included a tour of NIF that was supported by 37 volunteers.
Ignition Takes Center Stage at NIF and JLF User Groups Meeting
April 10, 2024-
Ignition took center stage at this year’s LLNL National Ignition Facility and Jupiter Laser Facility (NIF and JLF) User Groups Meeting.
Postdocs to Attend Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting
April 3, 2024-
Getting the chance to meet and mingle with scientists who have achieved Nobel Prize winning greatness will be the reality for five LLNL postdoctoral appointees, including Raspberry Simpson and Elizabeth Grace of NIF&PS.
LLNL HBCU Week Showcases Lab Expertise, Culture, Work-Life Balance
Jan. 3, 2024-
LLNL HBCU Week’s goal is to increase the number of underrepresented groups in STEM fields. Lab staff presented an overview of LLNL research, culture, and career opportunities.
LLNL hosts thousands of enthusiastic explorers for Open House 2023
Oct. 31, 2023-
Thousands of guests eager to see the place where the world's first ignition reaction occurred lined up for tours during an LLNL open house for family and friends of LLNL employees.
Young leaders learn from Nobel Laureates at Science and Technology in Society Forum
Oct. 24, 2023-
Early-career staff scientists Kelli Humbird, Chris Young and Brian Giera connected with Nobel Laureates and discussed important global issues ranging from AI to climate change at the 20th annual meeting of the Science and Technology in Society (STS) Forum in Kyoto, Japan.
STEM San Joaquin Conference celebrates 31 years
Oct. 19, 2023-
The STEM San Joaquin Conference, formerly known as San Joaquin Expanding Your Horizons, invited students grades 6-12 for its annual event
Nuclear Fusion and the Future of Energy
Oct. 12, 2023-
LLNL Director Kim Budil discussed the Lab’s Dec. 5, 2022 achievement of ignition at NIF with the Council on Foreign Relations. The discussion is moderated by Carolyn Kissane, associate dean and clinical professor at the Center for Global Affairs at New York University.
LLNL Hosts HBCU Students, Faculty to Build New Pipeline of Talent
Oct. 12, 2023-
For the second consecutive year, LLNL hosted a group of student scholars and faculty members from Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) on a recent five-day visit.
NIF Laser Safety Protocols Laid a Foundation for Historic LLNL Ignition Shot
June 7, 2023-
When a Lab principal investigator told NIF&PS Work Planner (WP) Sandeep Bansal about what was thought to be a simple plan to install a new laser system for research, she immediately knew it would be more complicated than just firing the laser.
NIF and JLF User Groups Look Beyond Ignition to Bright Possibilities in Science
May 4, 2023-
Attendees at this year’s NIF and JLF User Groups Meeting celebrated Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s (LLNL) recent fusion ignition breakthrough at the National Ignition Facility, but also kept their focus on looking ahead to a bright future of high energy density (HED) science research.
NIF’s Fusion Ignition Shot a ‘Hot Topic’ at SPIE Photonics West
March 23, 2023-
A standing-room-only crowd at the recent SPIE Photonics West convention listened raptly to a presentation about LLNL’s long road to fusion ignition on Dec. 5, 2022.
IAEA Webinar Explores NIF’s Ignition and Energy Gain Breakthroughs
March 6, 2023-
The Dec. 5, 2022, NIF experiment that achieved scientific break-even and fusion energy gain for the first time in a laboratory showed that there are no “mystery physics obstacles” standing in the way of producing as much or more energy from a fusion reaction than the energy needed to drive the reaction.