Automated Target Measurements Contribute to LLNL's Ignition Success

Sept. 5, 2024- 
An advanced technique for characterizing high-quality target capsules for NIF experiments has played an important role in LLNL's recent success in repeatedly achieving fusion ignition.

Video: The Beamline to Ignition

Oct. 8, 2022- 
In this video, you can follow the journey of NIF’s laser beams as they increase in energy from 1 billionth of a joule to 4 million joules by the time they reach the center of the Target Chamber.

Models and Simulations Help Map NIF’s Path to Ignition

Feb. 2, 2022- 
Inertial confinement fusion researchers don’t design and carry out experiments on NIF without the guidance of sophisticated computational models and simulations informed by diagnostic data and analysis of previous experiments.

Fusion Milestone Creates Buzz at Hybrid APS Plasma Physics Meeting

Jan. 26, 2022- 
LLNL physicist Debbie Callahan has given plenty of presentations over the years—but she didn’t expect a standing ovation at the 2021 APS Division of Plasma Physics (APS DPP) meeting in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

NIF Diagnostics Played Key Role in Fusion Milestone

Nov. 8, 2021- 
The National Ignition Facility (NIF)’s highly specialized and sophisticated measuring instruments known as diagnostics were integral to the record-setting inertial confinement fusion (ICF) experiment that produced more than 1.3 million joules (MJ) of fusion energy.

Gold Monoliths Lighter Than Air

Oct. 18, 2021- 
LLNL researchers collaborated with target fabrication scientists to test storing, transporting, and mounting lighter-than-air gold aerogel “foam’ on targets at NIF.

New Laser Testing System Brings NIF Back to the Future

July 28, 2021- 
NIF’s recommissioned Precision Diagnostic System has advanced diagnostic tools that help researchers experiment with potential methods to increase laser performance.

NIF Research Highlighted at Virtual Plasma Physics Conference

July 27, 2021- 
Eight LLNL researchers presented NIF-related talks and posters at the 47th European Physical Society Plasma Physics Conference, held online June 21-25. Attendees heard updates about NIF Discovery Science experiments, experiments manipulating the speed and polarization of light, 3D modeling aimed at reducing asymmetries in NIF implosions, and other advancements in modeling and diagnostics.

Scientists Collaborate on Novel Instrument for NIF

June 23, 2021- 
LLNL and the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory collaborated on an x-ray crystal spectrometer to measure a challenging feature of HED matter produced by NIF experiments.

From NIF to Z: LLNL, Sandia Continue to Collaborate on Diagnostics Projects

June 15, 2021- 
LLNL and Sandia National Laboratories are continuing their long-standing collaboration on diagnostic advancements for the nation’s premier high energy density (HED) research facilities.

A Challenging New Tool to Diagnose Hohlraum Plasma

May 17, 2021- 
LLNL scientists and engineers have developed a complex and sophisticated state-of-the-art diagnostic tool, the Optical Thomson Scattering Laser System, for measuring the plasma conditions inside the hohlraums that drive inertial confinement fusion implosions as well as in other high energy density systems.

New Instrument Improves Refractive Index Measurements at High Pressure

April 21, 2021- 
A high-precision interferometer system, newly developed to measure the pressure dependence of the refractive index and its dispersion in diamond anvil cells, could become another important diagnostic tool for NIF experiments.

Turbulent ‘Intensity Islands’ Give Cone-Shaped Targets Relativistic Power

March 31, 2021- 
A turbulent, chaotic stew of plasma and laser fields gives cone-shaped targets their ability to help scientists explore new relativistic plasma regimes at NIFs Advanced Radiographic Capability laser, according to new research.

Former LLNL Scientist Wins E.O. Lawrence Award

Feb. 25, 2021- 
Former LLNL scientist Dustin Froula, who helped develop what has become a transformational diagnostic at NIF, was recently honored with the Ernest Orlando Lawrence Award for his groundbreaking research on inertial confinement fusion and plasma sciences.

Remote NIF Control Software Updates Lead to Less Stress, More Efficiency

Feb. 11, 2021- 
When much of LLNL’s workforce began working remotely due to COVID-19, NIF’s software team adjusted with changes that improved the efficiency, safety, and experience of control system upgrades.

NIF Conducts First-Ever Shot with Explosives

Jan. 26, 2021- 
The first-ever shot to study a high explosive sample was recently conducted at NIF. The results from the shot included novel data that will help researchers unlock the mysteries of high-explosive chemistry.

Researchers Develop X-Ray Source to Measure Extreme Temperatures at NIF

Jan. 22, 2021- 
LLNL researchers have developed a new x-ray source that can diagnose temperatures in NIF experiments that probe conditions like those at the center of planets.

Measuring Extreme Temperatures

Dec. 16, 2020- 
This target, hohlraum, and VISAR diagnostic cone go from 400 degrees below zero Fahrenheit to about 4 million °F in a few billionths of a second. Learn why in our photo gallery.

NIF Summer Scholar Turns Virtual Internship into Unique Experience

Nov. 18, 2020- 
Alexus “Lexi” Warchock was initially disappointed when she learned the NIF & Photon Science Summer Scholar Program would be continuing—but as a virtual internship.

Two NIF Scientists Awarded Early and Mid-Career Recognition

Oct. 21, 2020- 
LLNL’s sixth annual Early and Mid-Career Recognition (EMCR) Program included two scientists who have made a significant impact at NIF.