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Biological Accelerator Mass Spectrometry
LLNL researchers discover promising treatment to counteract the effects of fentanyl for overdose cases
A team of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) researchers has discovered a promising new treatment to counteract the effects of fentanyl and related opioids. The new treatment could, over time, be a boon to doctors and medical professionals dealing with the crisis of fentanyl, a drug whose lethal effects has killed more than 210,000 Americans during the past…
Bomb-pulse Biology Research Featured in Netflix Series
Bomb-pulse biology research of User Resource scientist Bruce Buchholz and long-time collaborator Kirsty Spalding from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm was featured in episode 6 of the Netflix documentary series “Connected: The Hidden Science of Everything” hosted by Latif Nasser.
Nerve-Agent Antidote Shows Great Potential
Scientists at LLNL’s Forensic Science Center and Biosecurity Center have formulated molecule LLNL-02, the first molecule capable of dual protection against nerve agents.