NIF and JLF User Groups Cite HED Science Successes Amid Pandemic

March 15, 2022- 
At this year’s meeting of the NIF and JLF user groups, facility leaders cited a number of HED science successes amid the challenges of the pandemic.

LLNL Expands Outreach to HBCUs in Weeklong Event

Dec. 13, 2021- 
Building on last year’s successful outreach to Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), this year’s LLNL Day was expanded into a virtual LLNL-HBCU career week. Organizers came away pleased with the positive feedback from both students and panelists.

Summer Scholar Intern Pursues Her Passion for Optics

Nov. 17, 2021- 
Natalie Shultz, a NIF&PS Summer Scholar Program intern for the past two years, discovered her passion—optics—in a high school physics class. And she’s made it the centerpiece of her studies.

New Book Highlights Sol-Gel Processing’s Impact on Optics and Photonic Materials

Feb. 8, 2021- 
LLNL scientists Tayyab Suratwala, Pam Whitman, and Marcus Monticelli wrote the first chapter of a just-released book, Sol-Gel Derived Optical and Photonic Materials

NIF Experiments Among Highlights at Virtual APS Plasma Physics Conference

Jan. 6, 2021- 
Scientific discoveries, educational opportunities, and wide-ranging events highlighted the recent 62nd American Physical Society-Division of Plasma Physics annual meeting, which attracted a record number of participants from around the world.

Scholar Learns From NIF’s ‘Tasting Platter of HED Science’

Oct. 29, 2019- 
As a kid, Raspberry Simpson found inspiration in the mysteries of the universe while spending many hours after school inside New York’s Hayden Planetarium. “I don’t really think I knew then I could be a scientist as a career, but I knew I was really interested in it,” Simpson said. “And I learned through lots of great teachers that this could be a job eventually.” This year, the MIT...