Upgrading Facilities and Experiences
The rapidly evolving global political climate has changed the trajectory of strategic deterrence for the nation and expedited the timelines of projects and programs across the Laboratory. Lawrence Livermore’s Materials Science Division (MSD) provides specialized research that supports multiple mission areas. “Materials enable everything we do at the Laboratory,” says Ibo Matthews, division leader. “From targets for the National Ignition Facility (NIF) and clean energy materials to high explosives and actinide materials, you name it.”
Recognizing MSD’s critical role, the Laboratory has completed a major renovation of Building 235 (B235), MSD’s headquarters building. New signs and freshly painted hallways in B235—the hub of Livermore materials science research for 40 years—open to refurbished laboratory areas and reimagined workspaces with functional upgrades supporting staff across Livermore’s Strategic Deterrence, Global Security, Engineering, and other organizations as well as academic and industry partners. Matthews started encouraging refurbishment plans in 2021, during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, citing an increased demand for MSD’s unique characterization and diagnostic capabilities. Among improved common areas and upgraded equipment, new facilities of note include the Laser Induced compression for Grain scale with High Throughput (LIGHT) laboratory, a hydride–dehydride (HDH) project, and the ultra-high temperature Gleeble thermomechanical simulator system. Read More...