LLNL develops portable Thomson scattering diagnostic to support ARPA-E’s fusion energy ventures
Scientists at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) collaborated with University of California San Diego (UCSD) to design, assemble, and field a portable optical Thomson scattering diagnostic system for the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) — a Department of Energy agency which supports private companies that are developing new ways to generate, store and use energy. The diagnostic was implemented at Zap Energy, Inc., a private-sector fusion company based in Everett, Washington.
The team consisted of experts across LLNL, including Clément Goyon, George Swadling, Philip Datte, Steven Ross and Harry McLean, as well as Simon Bott-Suzuki at UCSD and Jacob Banasek at Sandia National Laboratories. The researchers developed the plasma diagnostic system to be transported to and shared among different fusion energy experiments supported by ARPA-E. Read More...