Feb. 23, 2023

Innovations that enabled LLNL’s fusion ignition breakthrough

By Glenn Fox

In December 2022, the Laboratory celebrated a first-of-its kind accomplishment—fusion ignition at LLNL’s National Ignition Facility (NIF), the world’s most energetic laser system. While the experiment that achieved this historic breakthrough took only a fraction of a second, it is the result of work performed over several decades, by numerous LLNL staff, including dozens of scientists from LLNL’s Physical and Life Sciences Directorate (PLS).

PLS staff played key roles in enabling LLNL to achieve this first-ever demonstration of fusion ignition, the moment when the energy output is greater than the laser energy used to generate the fusion reaction. Building on more than 60 years of foundational research in physics, laser science, materials science, and nuclear science at LLNL, they developed innovative solutions in areas such as target design and fabrication, optics, experimental design, and diagnostics.  Read More...