LLNL scientist is passionate about targets 50 years of LLNL Lasers How Diamonds Are Used for Nuclear Fusion Spider-Inspired Technology Inside the World's Most Energetic Laser The Threshold of Ignition NIF-JLF User Group Celebrates HED Science The Eighth Wonder of NIF | National Ignition Facility Celebrating the 60th Anniversary of the Laser Light Experiments at Home with a Laser Physicist NIF | How the ARC Laser Works Inside the ARC Laser Staying Entertained with PHYSICS! | Learning With Leland Roosevelt Junior High School students get rare glimpse of a NIF shot How powerful is the NIF laser? Ten Years of the National Ignition Facility: What It Took to Make NIF a Reality What happens when you combine laser beams? #NerdOutloud with High Energy Density Physics intern Mira Partha Take a ride along NIF's optics recycle loop See the National Ignition Facility control room deliver a shot (360) No Limit: Exploring the Science of the Universe Henry Hui: Reaching Out to the Community A Growing Family of Targets for the National Ignition Facility The Optics Whisperer: Master Optician Hones His Art at LLNL Congressman Swalwell visits the National Ignition Facility Tammy Ma and the lure of cutting-edge science Countdown to a NIF Laser Shot How NIF Works National Ignition Facility & Photon Science - Science on a Mission