Art of Fusion

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)’s artists have created a series of posters to proudly commemorate the Lab’s historic demonstration of fusion ignition in a laboratory for the first time in a Dec. 5, 2022, experiment at the National Ignition Facility (NIF). We can all join in the celebration of the Lab’s memorable achievement with these beautiful works of art for your enjoyment.

Click on any image below to view more information about each poster. You can download and print these posters at your own expense using external resources. Please note that printing these posters on LLNL equipment is not permitted.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get copies of these posters from LLNL or NIF&PS?
The images are free for you to download. You can have them printed at your convenience. Please consult the LLNL Copyright and Reuse Policy for further details.

Is it okay for me to print them out myself and display them?
Download the full size posters above so that you can print them and hang on your walls and share with us on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, or Instagram.

Do you have other sizes that you haven’t posted, or can you make new ones in a different size?
Currently, the only size available is 24”x36”.


The media content on this website site is free to use in accordance with the LLNL Copyright and Reuse Policy.