Meeting Support for Students and Postdocs
NNSA will provide support for participation in this meeting for selected students and postdocs planning to present a poster and participate in meeting discussions. Students and postdocs requesting support should download the student support application, complete it, and email it to nifuseroffice [at] (nifuseroffice[at]llnl[dot]gov). As part of the requirements for travel support, awardee will need to present a poster during the poster sessions scheduled. Students and postdocs employed by LLNL are not eligible and will not be considered. All other students and postdocs are eligible.
For students and postdocs requesting support, a letter of recommendation from your advisor is required and should be sent to the NIF User Office (nifuseroffice [at] (nifuseroffice[at]llnl[dot]gov)).
Click here for the application for student support.
Applications must be sent in no later than December 1, 2023 via email to nifuseroffice [at] (nifuseroffice[at]llnl[dot]gov).