Microenvironment engineering for improved electrochemical reduction of CO<sub>2</sub>

Schematics for a copper surface with adsorbed CO solvated in a Potassium bicarbonate (KHCO3) solution at (a) zero surface charge and (b) positive surface charge. Copper, carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, and potassium atoms are plotted in brown, gray, red, white, and purple, respectively.
Copper-based catalysts are highly active for electrochemical reduction of CO2 (CO2R) to several desirable hydrocarbon products, such as methane (CH4), formic acid (HCOOH), ethylene (C2H4), and ethanol (C2H5OH). CO2R is dually beneficial, as it allows for the conversion of excess atmospheric CO2 into useful chemicals. However, using copper-based catalysts for CO2R depends intimately on the microenvironment of the catalyst–electrolyte interface. Where the catalyst increases the rate of the chemical reaction, and the electrolyte is a substance (e.g., water) used for conducting an electrical current.
The microenvironment consists of several factors, such as the applied electrode potential, electrolyte composition, catalyst morphology, and the local pH near the interface. Ultimately, the various effects of the microenvironment on the chemical pathways for CO2R exhibit a complex interdependence that has traditionally been challenging to disentangle in experiments. Among the many possible pathways, adsorbed carbon monoxide (CO) has been proposed as the key and common intermediate state for many desired products. That is, during the reduction process, CO2 is commonly transformed into CO, before being turned into a specific chemical product. Thus, understanding the extent of CO coverage (represented as a percentage, where 100% is full coverage) at the surface of the catalyst and how it affects the microenvironment may provide important insights for improved electrocatalytic performance.
To this end, a team of LLNL materials scientists used computer modeling to quantify the complex interdependence between electrode potential, CO coverage, and the interfacial field strength during CO2R. While previous studies assume fixed CO coverage, this new research indicates that CO coverage strongly influences the field strength and, therefore, the reaction’s electrochemical potential. These insights provide a basis for microenvironment engineering through surface additives, catalyst design, and electrolyte composition—which could, in turn, increase the production of multicarbon products.
[H. Yu, S.E. Weitzner, J.B. Varley, B.C. Wood, and S.A. Akhade, Surface Engineering of Copper Catalyst through CO* Adsorbate, J. Phys. Chem. C (2023), DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.2c06456.]
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