HEDS Center Strategic Plan Emphasizes Education and Collaborative Research

The HED Science Center released its five-year strategic planning document in September 2018, highlighting the Center’s focus on fostering expanded research collaborations and developing new educational opportunities.
LLNL’s High Energy Density Science (HEDS) Center released its five-year strategic plan in September 2018, highlighting the Center’s focus on fostering expanded research collaborations in the field of HED science and increasing the number of scientists working in this rapidly evolving discipline.
The strategic planning group—led by HEDS Center Director Frank Graziani—met for several months to lay out the objectives, which include enabling collaborative research projects with universities, expanded internship opportunities at LLNL, community-building events, novel education programs, and the start of a national curriculum in HED science.
“The HEDS Center will help bridge U.S. academia with LLNL’s programs and augment our programs for students and postdocs,” said Felicie Albert, deputy director of the center, who was a member of the planning group. “We hope to foster collaborations with institutions in the U.S. and abroad, while promoting the breadth of HED science we do here at the Laboratory.”
The Center’s strategic plan addresses four areas that are key to shaping the future of HED science—collaborative research, educational programs, outreach to the future HEDS workforce, and building a strong community of HEDS experts.
According to Albert, this is a very exciting time for HED science. “I could really feel this excitement while working with the planning group.”
The strategic planning group was composed of employees from LLNL’s National Ignition Facility, Physical and Life Sciences, and Weapons and Complex Integration organizations. Other members of the strategic planning group include Camille Bibeau, Hui Chen, Daniel Haylett, Richard Kraus, Arthur Pak, Hye-Sook Park, Jesse Pino, Steven Ross, Robert Rudd, Damian Swift, and Heather Whitley.
High-Energy-Density ScienceCenter for High Energy Density Science
Physical and Life Sciences
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