Zhi M. Liao
Workforce Manager
Zhi M. Liao is the workforce manager for the National Ignition Facility & Photon Science (NIF&PS) Directorate. In this role, he oversees the directorate’s recruiting strategy, onboarding program and workforce and leadership development. By applying the Lab’s values into these unified efforts, he seeks to cultivate a diverse workforce, sustain an equitable and inclusive environment and foster innovation and leadership.
Liao was instrumental in establishing prominent NIF&PS outreach and recruiting initiatives, including a laser roadshow, a summer scholar program, and academic partnerships with Historically Black Colleges and Universities.
Prior to his current position, Liao spent 22 years in a technical role with expertise in nonlinear optics, adaptive optics, and laser-induced optic damage. He contributed to many of LLNL’s successful laser projects, including the Fiber GuideStar Laser, Mercury Laser, MEC-U (Matter in Extreme Conditions Upgrade) and NIF. He worked on developing models for predicting optics lifetimes for NIF and co-led an integrated team that successfully commissioned a brand-new NIF optic: the fused silica debris shield. His contributions have earned the DOE Secretary of Energy Achievement Award, DOE NNSA Excellence Award, as well as LLNL Director of Operation’s Excellence Award.
Liao has authored and presented many peer-reviewed scientific publications on these topics and has been awarded several patents on laser technologies. He is a senior member of both SPIE and Optica.
Liao obtained his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. in optical engineering at the University of Rochester, working under Dr. Govind Agrawal on nonlinear fiber optics.