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How LLNL launched ‘The Age of Ignition’ at NIF

How did LLNL make history at the National Ignition Facility by achieving fusion ignition on Dec. 5, 2022?
Our special expanded report, The Age of Ignition, explains how this was accomplished, how it helps strengthen national security, and what it means for science and energy.

Upgrading Facilities and Experiences

March 27, 2024- 
LLNL’s new Laser Induced compression for Grain scale with High Throughput (LIGHT) facility can produce the same conditions as NIF’s Direct Light Impulse testing strategy on a 1-centimeter scale.

Throwing Shade on Optics Damage

March 27, 2024- 
If the sun’s too bright, you don sunglasses to prevent glare from damaging your eyes. LLNL researchers are using this same strategy to mitigate damage to valuable optics at NIF.

Supercomputer Simulations of Super-Diamond Suggest a Path to Its Creation

March 22, 2024- 
Another form of carbon has been predicted to be even tougher than diamond. The challenge, which inspires ongoing Discovery Science experiments at NIF, is how to create it on Earth.

Using NIF to Study the Sluggish Pace of Star Formation

March 19, 2024- 
To search for solutions to a puzzle of why the star formation rate is declining, an international team of researchers has turned to the unprecedented capabilities of NIF.

Annie Kritcher: Tackling the Biggest Challenges

March 12, 2024- 
For LLNL physicist Annie Kritcher, the bigger the challenge, the better. Here’s how she became the principal designer on the LLNL team that achieved one of science’s biggest challenges—fusion ignition.

John Fisher: As the Wood Turns

March 6, 2024- 
As a Lab IT systems administrator, John Fisher enjoys the challenge of streamlining workflows and finding efficiencies. It’s a skill he carries over to his hobby—woodworking.

More Shots, More Potential for Success

March 6, 2024- 
NIF stands to gain from a Laboratory Directed Research and Development project to explore ultrawide bandgap photoconductive devices.

Lab employees recognized with Secretary of Energy’s Honor Awards

Feb. 29, 2024- 
The Fusion Ignition Team and a team that helped tell the world the story of that historic LLNL accomplishment at NIF were among the Lab project teams to earn Department of Energy Secretary’s Honor Awards.