How LLNL launched ‘The Age of Ignition’ at NIF
How did LLNL make history at the National Ignition Facility by achieving fusion ignition on Dec. 5, 2022?
Our special expanded report, The Age of Ignition, explains how this was accomplished, how it helps strengthen national security, and what it means for science and energy.
Approaching “Burning Plasma”
Dec. 16, 2020-
Science magazine reports on how new target designs, laser pulse shapes, and better diagnostics are bringing NIF researchers closer to a milestone known as “burning plasma.”
Video: Celebrating the 60th Anniversary of the Laser
Dec. 3, 2020-
Join us for a video exploration of the laser’s history and how researchers at LLNL and NIF use them to push the boundaries of science and technology.
Newest ‘Ruby’ Supercomputer Helps NIF, NNSA, and COVID-19 Research
Dec. 3, 2020-
LLNL, along with partners Intel, Supermicro, and Cornelis Networks, have deployed “Ruby,” a high performance computing cluster that supports NIF’s ICF experiments, perform functions for the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), and boost the Lab’s COVID-19 research.
General Atomics and NIF: Partners on a Mission
Nov. 18, 2020-
NIF and General Atomics are 417 miles apart. Yet scientists and engineers from Livermore and the San Diego-based company literally and figuratively work side-by-side, helping to keep the nation secure and expand the frontiers of science.
NIF Summer Scholar Turns Virtual Internship into Unique Experience
Nov. 18, 2020-
Alexus “Lexi” Warchock was initially disappointed when she learned the NIF & Photon Science Summer Scholar Program would be continuing—but as a virtual internship.
NIF&PS Summer Internship Program Goes on — Virtually
Nov. 18, 2020-
NIF’s Summer Scholar Program went virtual this year thanks to the hard work, quick thinking, and inventiveness of key leaders.
The Explosive, Mysterious Physics of Supernovas
Nov. 12, 2020-
A Science News cover story explores how NIF&PS physicist Hye-Sook Park and a team of researchers are using giant lasers to reveal the details of massive stellar explosions.
The Internship that Launched a Machine-Learning Target Revolution
Nov. 1, 2020-
Kelli Humbird came to LLNL as a student intern. Soon she became a teacher of new data science techniques.