How LLNL launched ‘The Age of Ignition’ at NIF
How did LLNL make history at the National Ignition Facility by achieving fusion ignition on Dec. 5, 2022?
Our special expanded report, The Age of Ignition, explains how this was accomplished, how it helps strengthen national security, and what it means for science and energy.
Turbulent ‘Intensity Islands’ Give Cone-Shaped Targets Relativistic Power
March 31, 2021-
A turbulent, chaotic stew of plasma and laser fields gives cone-shaped targets their ability to help scientists explore new relativistic plasma regimes at NIFs Advanced Radiographic Capability laser, according to new research.
HED Plasma Research Could Lead to ICF Insights
March 29, 2021-
Researchers have isolated the energy distribution of the radiation plasmas emit, potentially leading to new insights on anomalous astrophysical data and for diagnosing conditions of ICF implosions.
Laser-Heated Foams Help HED Science, ICF Goals
March 25, 2021-
LLNL scientists tested laser-heated additive manufactured foams to help advance HED science and support the ICF program goal of achieving ignition in the lab.
NIF’s Laser Energy Will Test Nuclear Survivability in Space
March 18, 2021-
What would happen to a ballistic missile interceptor or a space reentry vehicle if they encountered a nuclear explosion above the Earth’s atmosphere? That’s a question U.S. and United Kingdom defense planners hope to answer with the help of a new NIF capability now under development.
Target Fabrication Team Helped Speed NIF’s Rapid Restart
March 15, 2021-
The LLNL Target Fabrication Team’s efforts to quickly resume production of targets was a key to the timely restart of NIF experiments following the 2020 pandemic shutdown.
Reports Recommend Stepped-Up U.S. Investment in Fusion Energy
March 8, 2021-
An influential U.S. Department of Energy advisory committee has recommended that the nation move aggressively toward the deployment of fusion energy, including investments in technology and equipment to support one of NIF’s core missions—laying the groundwork for the development of inertial fusion energy.
NIF and JLF User Groups Push HED Science Forward During Pandemic
Feb. 25, 2021-
At their annual meeting, leaders of the NIF and Jupiter Laser Facility user groups praised NIF and JLF staffs for keeping HED science experiments on track by overcoming the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID-19 Protocols Keep NIF on Track
Feb. 25, 2021-
The health and safety protocols that let NIF resume experiments shortly after regional COVID-19 shelter-in-place directives took effect remain in place, helping NIF maintain a regular slate of experiments that are essential to national security.