How LLNL launched ‘The Age of Ignition’ at NIF
How did LLNL make history at the National Ignition Facility by achieving fusion ignition on Dec. 5, 2022?
Our special expanded report, The Age of Ignition, explains how this was accomplished, how it helps strengthen national security, and what it means for science and energy.
Study Reveals Cause of 3D Asymmetry in ICF implosions
Feb. 25, 2021-
In a study published in Physical Review Letters, LLNL researchers illuminated how tiny imperfections in a high-density carbon capsule can grow into huge distortions, one of the principal causes of a significant degradation in ICF implosions at NIF.
Former LLNL Scientist Wins E.O. Lawrence Award
Feb. 25, 2021-
Former LLNL scientist Dustin Froula, who helped develop what has become a transformational diagnostic at NIF, was recently honored with the Ernest Orlando Lawrence Award for his groundbreaking research on inertial confinement fusion and plasma sciences.
Lab Team Uses Giant Lasers to Compress Iron Oxide
Feb. 11, 2021-
A research team led by LLNL used giant lasers to unlock the secrets of large rocky extrasolar planets by understanding the properties of iron oxide at extreme pressures and temperatures. The results were published in Nature Geoscience.
Remote NIF Control Software Updates Lead to Less Stress, More Efficiency
Feb. 11, 2021-
When much of LLNL’s workforce began working remotely due to COVID-19, NIF’s software team adjusted with changes that improved the efficiency, safety, and experience of control system upgrades.
Lab Develops New Method for Probing Material Strength
Feb. 9, 2021-
To better understand how materials deform under extreme conditions, LLNL researchers have developed a new experimental method for probing large-strain and high-rate material strength.
Virtual LLNL Day Reaches Out to HBCUs
Feb. 8, 2021-
A recent virtual “LLNL Day” reached out to students from Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) to share the Lab’s culture and encourage interest in internships and job opportunities.
New Book Highlights Sol-Gel Processing’s Impact on Optics and Photonic Materials
Feb. 8, 2021-
LLNL scientists Tayyab Suratwala, Pam Whitman, and Marcus Monticelli wrote the first chapter of a just-released book, Sol-Gel Derived Optical and Photonic Materials
Experiments at NIF Probe Carbon at Record Pressures
Jan. 27, 2021-
An international team of researchers led by LLNL and the University of Oxford successfully measured carbon at pressures reaching 2,000 GPa (5 times the pressure in Earth’s core). The results were reported in Nature.