How LLNL launched ‘The Age of Ignition’ at NIF
How did LLNL make history at the National Ignition Facility by achieving fusion ignition on Dec. 5, 2022?
Our special expanded report, The Age of Ignition, explains how this was accomplished, how it helps strengthen national security, and what it means for science and energy.
Laser-Driven Ion Acceleration with Deep Learning Benefits NIF
June 4, 2021-
Research conducted at LLNL is the first to apply neural networks to the study of high-intensity short-pulse laser-plasma acceleration, which is important for ICF research at NIF.
Experiments Validate Possibility of Helium Rain in Jupiter, Saturn
June 2, 2021-
LLNL scientists now have experimental evidence supporting predictions that helium rain is possible under conditions inside planets such as Jupiter and Saturn.
NIF Installs New, Improved Shot Setup Tool
June 1, 2021-
When NIF’s CMT (Campaign Management Tool) was finally retired May 3, it marked the culmination of a seven-year design and development cycle to replace the original experiment setup tool known to be complex and cumbersome.
The Data-Driven Future of Extreme Physics
May 19, 2021-
In Nature, LLNL researchers explain how applying machine learning and data science methods to “extreme” plasma physics helps gain insights into our universe and finds clues about creating a limitless amount of energy.
Scientists Identify Key Trends in High-Energy-Density Mixing Layers
May 17, 2021-
A multidisciplinary team of LLNL scientists published a major computational study of shock-induced instability growth and mixing in conditions like those encountered during NIF ICF experiments.
A Challenging New Tool to Diagnose Hohlraum Plasma
May 17, 2021-
LLNL scientists and engineers have developed a complex and sophisticated state-of-the-art diagnostic tool, the Optical Thomson Scattering Laser System, for measuring the plasma conditions inside the hohlraums that drive inertial confinement fusion implosions as well as in other high energy density systems.
Lab Hosts First Virtual Manufacturing Workshop
May 10, 2021-
Local high school students learned about NIF target fabrication and optics, advanced metal and polymer 3D printing, laser processing and etching, and electroplating during a virtual manufacturing workshop. Read more...
NIF Postdoc to Participate in Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting
May 5, 2021-
NIF&PS’s Matthew Edwards is one of three LLNL postdoctoral appointees selected to attend the 70th annual Lindau Nobel Laureate meeting in Germany in June.